
Analects 16.10

Original Text:



Other Translations:

Confucius said, “There are nine things upon which a gentleman focuses his attention: when looking, he focuses on seeing clearly; when listening, he focuses on being discerning; in his expression, he focuses on being amiable; in his demeanor, he focuses on being reverent; in his speech, he focuses on being dutiful; in his actions, he focuses on being respectful; when in doubt, he focuses on asking questions; when angry, he focuses on thinking about the potential negative consequences of his anger; and when seeing gain, he focuses upon what is right.”

Confucius, & Slingerland, E. (2003). Analects: With selections from traditional commentaries. Hackett Publishing.

Confucius said, The gentleman has nine things he thinks of. He thinks—is my vision clear? He thinks—is my hearing acute? He thinks—is my expression genial? He thinks—is my manner courteous? He thinks—are my words loyal? He thinks—am I respectful in the way I serve? He thinks—when in doubt, do I seek advice? He thinks—when angry, do I think of the troubles that may ensue? He thinks—when I spy gain, would I be right to take it?

Confucius, & Watson, B. (2007). The Analects of Confucius. Columbia University Press.

Analects 12.20

Original Text:



Other Translations:

Zizhang inquired, “What must a scholar-official be like before he can be considered accomplished?”

The Master replied, “What do you mean by ‘accomplished’?”

“Sure to be renowned, whether serving the state or a noble family.”

The Master said, “That is merely being ‘renowned,’ not being ‘accomplished.’ Someone who is accomplished is upright in his native substance and fond of rightness. He examines other people’s words and observes their demeanor, and always takes the interests of his inferiors into account when considering something—no matter whether serving the state or a noble family. Someone who is renowned, on the other hand, adopts the appearance of Goodness but violates it in his actual conduct, all the while never doubting that he deserves to be called Good. Thus, he is sure to be renowned, whether serving the state or a noble family.”

Confucius, & Slingerland, E. (2003). Analects: With selections from traditional commentaries. Hackett Publishing.

Zizhang asked, What does a man of station have to do to be known as accomplished?

The Master said, What do you mean by accomplished?

Zizhang replied, In the domain, invariably well reputed; in the family, invariably well reputed.

The Master said, That is reputation, not accomplishment. The accomplished man is solid, straightforward, a lover of right. He weighs people’s words, observes their attitude, and is careful to defer to others. In the domain, he is invariably recognized for his accomplishments; in the family, invariably recognized for his accomplishments. The man of reputation pretends to adhere to humaneness but acts quite differently and never shows any doubt in what he’s doing—so in the domain, he is invariably well reputed; in the family, invariably well reputed.

Confucius, & Watson, B. (2007). The Analects of Confucius. Columbia University Press.