Original Text:

Other Translations:
Duke Ai asked, “Who among your disciples might be said to love learning?”
Confucius answered, “There was one named Yan Hui who loved learning. He never misdirected his anger and never made the same mistake twice. Unfortunately, his allotted lifespan was short, and he has passed away. Now that he is gone, there are none who really love learning—at least, I have yet to hear of one.”
Confucius, & Slingerland, E. (2003). Analects: With selections from traditional commentaries. Hackett Publishing.
Duke Ai questioned Confucius, saying, Who among your disciples loves learning?
Confucius replied, There was Yan Hui—he loved learning, never took his anger out on others, never repeated his mistakes. Regrettably, he had a short life and is dead now. Since then, there are none who love learning, or none I’ve heard of.
Confucius, & Watson, B. (2007). The Analects of Confucius. Columbia University Press.