Original Text:

Other Translations:
Duke Ai asked, “What can I do to induce the common people to be obedient?”
Confucius replied, “Raise up the straight and apply them to the crooked, and the people will submit to you. If you raise up the crooked and apply them to the straight, the people will never submit.”
Confucius, & Slingerland, E. (2003). Analects: With selections from traditional commentaries. Hackett Publishing.
Duke Ai asked, saying, How can I make the common people submissive? Confucius replied, Promote the straight and let them oversee the crooked – then the common people will be submissive. Promoted the crooked and let them oversee the straight – then the common people will not be submissive.
Confucius, & Watson, B. (2007). The Analects of Confucius. Columbia University Press.